


I’m here to accompany you on a process of self-discovery.

Hi I’m Elisa, and I want to thank you for being here, reading this. Maybe you are just curious or maybe you are seeking support through a difficult time in your life, either way I’m glad you are here.

  • "I have been in this process for over a year now and each time I discover something new about myself. The combination of mentoring and IFS [meant] I could get support on general issues related to my life, trying to create a meaningful direction while at the same time dive deeper into myself to understand the different patterns that shape my behaviours."

    Racha - Senior Director, UK Charity

  • "The most helpful aspect of our work is that it has helped me take more responsibility for my triggers and reactions. I am now often able to consciously choose my actions instead of reacting to all triggers. The sessions have increased awareness of my conditionings and these no longer have to control me. Lastly, the sessions have given a language to express my emotions, and feelings."

    Female client from the non-profit sector

  • "Through mentoring and IFS sessions I was able to find my way in life; how to plan and take actions and be aware of what is stopping me from doing that... My professional life has improved and I know how to manage and lead my work relationships. In my personal life I’m shifting to invest more in what I love rather than lead an ‘auto pilot’ life. I believe every person at some point, at some stage, should revisit who they are and get curious about their life choices. This is a golden investment in yourself, to unlearn what is not serving you, and literally save yourself.

    Reeman- Senior Manager, International Development Sector

  • "I have worked with Elisa for over a year now, and am so grateful for her support. I considered this kind of work a while ago, but only dove into the commitment when a tough situation at work left me feeling like I couldn’t do any better without help. I am so glad I invested in Elisa as my coach - and wish I dove in before it was a crisis."

    Female nonprofit executive working in community engagement and capacity building

As a coach, mentor, IFS practitioner and MotherCircle facilitator I’m here to guide you through a journey of self discovery, healing and claiming of your own inner power as a woman, leader, mother and more.

The intention that has moved me for most of my adult life has been to build a more inclusive, just, healthy world - first as a peacebuilder and now supporting women to reawaken their own feminine side with the talents and gifts that are held within that. 

So many of us feel lost, out of alignment, disconnected and disembodied because we have been taught to deny core parts of ourselves, the deepest, most powerful parts of ourselves - our intuition, our wisdom, our own inner voice. To build the kind of world I hope to leave for my daughter we need to find our path back home to ourselves, to reconnect deeply within, so that we can lead more wisely, mother more consciously and create the world we want for ourselves and our children. 

If you feel called to find your way back home I would be honoured to support you through your journey as well.

Find out more about the different offerings below.

Find your path


MotherCircle is an intimate gathering for mothers at any stage who want to explore their own journeys into motherhood.

This 8-week course is a place to be held as mothers in our journey through this shift in our identity.

Come to reconnect with yourself, gain more clarity on the values that drive you in your mothering and experience the healing power of a supportive community.

Transformational Coaching for Women

A personalised journey toward reclaiming your own Self leadership in your life and at work. I will support you to dive below the surface and immerse yourself in self-exploration.

To examine your beliefs, images, and interpretations about who you are and your purpose and place in this world; to shed light on why you experience life as you currently do and reconnect you with the source of your own intuition and inner compass.


A path to healing with IFS (in English and in Italiano)

Through Internal Family Systems I guide you through a process of bringing deep healing to your wounded parts and bring integration to your own inner world so that you can experience more calm, confidence, clarity, courage, perspective and playfulness in your life. 

Essendo di madrelingua italiana sono tra i pochissimi che ad oggi possono offrire IFS in italiano e spero di poter portare guarigione delle parti più vulnerabili del Sè a più donne possibile anche in Italia.


 I help those who are dedicated to bringing positive change in the world with their own inner journeys of change and transformation.

Elisa Dari